iSpy Treasure Hunt Game

iSpy Treasure Hunt Game

Online games are becoming increasingly popular, with many to choose from. The gaming industry has grown year on year partly due to the rise in popularity of smartphones.

Many smartphone games cost money to play, making them expensive for children. Finding free games for children to play isn’t always easy, although there are lots out there if you look Continue reading

How To Choose Solar Lighting

Solar Lighting for Gardeners

Solar lighting technology is advancing quickly, giving the user better lighting at really affordable prices.

Solar lighting requires less installation than traditional mains lighting. Because solar doesn’t require a 240 volt supply, it is much more flexible.

In the past few years solar technology has advanced Continue reading

SD Cards & Memory Sticks

Portable Memory Storage

Flash drives come in a range of forms. Different size memory storage cards are designed for all the different electronic devices available.

Millions of Flash Memory drives are sold throughout the world each year, and many are not ideal for their Continue reading

Paleo Diet Foods

What’s Paleo?

The Caveman diet comes from the Paleolithic era, so is often called the Paleo diet. Hunter-Gatherers used to eat a simpler diet long before intensive farming introduced cheap easy to grow foods to service a growing population.

We consider our modern diet to be healthy and natural, but it includes modern farmed foods including Continue reading

Optimizing Search For Google

Ways to Rebuild your Google SEO Rankings

Has your site been hit by Google Panda or Google Penguin? April 24th 2012 is the best indication that Google’s off-page Penguin algorithm is the cause of your penalty. If you see a drop in traffic on or around that date, then your linking profile is the cause.

Whichever keywords dominate your exact match anchor text will usually be the ones hit hardest by Penguin. To see the most used phrases in your back-links, utilize the free SEO tool Continue reading